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Agribusiness Youth City — Senegal

Ntonga Group Holdings has conceptualised the world’s first Agribusiness Youth City, in the Republic of Senegal. This development is the project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Youth in Senegal. The main objective of creating such an urban development is to aid job creation along the agribusiness value chain, from primary production until construction of agro-industrial manufacturing plants.


Youth unemployment is a major quandary for Senegal with more than 43.9 percent of workers from age 15-24 working in the informal sector.The government of Senegal has adopted the Accelerated Growth Strategy which indicates a high potential of youth employment in Agriculture. Despite the efforts made by the Senegalese government, many youth do not possess the skills for employment and young entrepreneurs often face challenges of limited resources and business networks.


The concept of a Youth City is geared on the focus of creating a development concentrated on the basis of creating employment and advocating education through skills development and training.